The diary of a pit bull puppy

Friday, February 27, 2009


I am now going to Day care on Thursdays at Toby's K9 Kamp. I have so much fun playing with my 2 pit bull friends and many other dogs. I am so tired when I come home. I hurt my paw last week some time- I had a cut on it and it hurt to walk on. My old mom kept putting ointment on it and now it feels better.
I also went to the Dog Park and chilled with some new dog friends. My sister from California was home and visited and some of my old Mom's friends came over to the house and I made friends with them.
The cat named " Squeaky" is now my friend and we occasionally share a chair and just chat about household things. Things like " what kind of food do you get?" "how do you like that litter box" and other stuff like " the weather and can't wait until spring" then we both go back to being a dog and a cat. I am learning that being mellow and friendly is better than biting and jumping up and getting excited. I guess "I am maturing". Yeah Right!!

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