I have never enjoyed a toy as much as this Kung Wubba purple squeaky toy. It smelled like beef and just got me all excited and hyperactive. I was so exhausted after playing with it that Mom was worried I was hyper-ventilating.... She almost stuck me head in a paperbag. I panted and stuck my tongue out and was breathing heavy. I really looked funny!
I walked on Struble Trail with my young mom, sister, old mom and Khlea. Not too many walkers out because Santa was arriving in Downingtown and they were at the parade. It was sunny kinda warm day. I did 9000 steps almost 10000. Drank some cold water out of Creek and saw some geese.
I am a male pit bull puppy born and left by my mother and owners in an apartment with my brother to fend for myself. It was scary but happy ending - I was rescued and have a happy life now.