I found the example –
Bull Run Library – the most interesting but wonder why a library would need both a website and a wiki. Just one more thing to keep up to date and most of the information is on website.
Here is an excellent slide show that tells you about Wikis and their use in libraries
Wikiing in your library: a practical overview -
http://weblogs.elearning.ubc.ca/physio/barsky-wiki-vall.pdf A wiki is really a type of website that allows the visitors themselves to easily add, remove and otherwise edit and change some available content, sometimes without the need for registration. A Wiki is an excellent library tool for internal projects collaboration, internal brainstorming and ideas sharing. My old mom could use a wiki as a websmaster to collaborate with other Content Management System users.
In my

research on wikis, I joined a
Wiki for Rescue dogs and here is one on their badges to put on websites. The site is
http://www.wikifido.com/ using
WetPaint, a site which provides free wikis & websites.
I love this cartoon about
Wet Paint so enjoy.